If the world's 3G mobile known term, then on the Internet there is such thing as Web 3.0. Wow, what is this? What's the difference with Web 2.0 is now emerging? Make no mistake, it turns out people of Indonesia are also already exist that develop them.
Today we enter the second generation of the website or called web 2.0. In the previous generation of Web 1.0 has the general characteristics of striking the consult, surf and search. So on the Web 1.0 era we are mostly just looking for or browse to find the specific information.
Then comes Web 2.0 to Web 1.0 which replaces the social interaction in cyberspace has become a necessity so that the era of Web 2.0 has some striking feature of the share, collaborate and exploit. In the era of Web 2.0 now, use the web for sharing, friendship, collaboration becomes something important. Web 2.0 is present as the rise of user blogs, Friendster, Myspace, Youtube and Fickr. So here the social life in cyberspace is really felt.
The era of Web 2.0 does not require a genius who just struggling alone in a closed room or laboratory to create new, patented technology to make himself become famous. But this era is more need for people to share knowledge, experience or other, forming a large online community, which abolished individual traits.
But gradually the habits and needs of people in the virtual world is always changing and growing. It is also in line with the increasingly fast broadband Internet access and computer technology is increasingly sophisticated. If the telecommunication is beginning to sound issues 4G era, so too is happening in the world of websites that also raises the issue will soon be the presence of a new era of Web 3.0. This third-generation Web technologies are more advanced development of Web 2.0 where the web here as if life was like in the real world. Web 3.0 has the general characteristics such as suggest, and Provide Happen.
So, here the web as if it was like our personal assistant. Web begin to understand our needs by being able to give us suggestions or advice, providing what we need. Using 3D animation technology, we can create avatars that match the profile with the character, then do activities in the virtual world just like in the real world. We can take a walk, go to the mall, chatting with another friend. Yes, Web 3.0 is our virtual world.
Made in Indonesia
In this Web 3.0, have occurred very close convergence between the IT world with the world of telecommunications. World wide web and telco growing rapidly in line with user needs. The use of IT and telecommunications devices such as the later is the same no difference. Currently, only a sign like that already we can feel although still not perfect. We can watch television on mobile phones or computers, can access the Internet on mobile phones, SMS and can make calls from computers. Yes because the convergence of various devices such as the laws of nature that can not be circumvented. All experienced the evolution toward a more advanced world.
Is there a website now as a harbinger of the era would be the inclusion of Web 3.0? Yes, Web 3.0 model could be felt one of them is on the secondlife.com website. And also quite proud that we are, Indonesia has been able to enter the world of Web 3.0 is the presence of lilofriends.com. The site was near the Web 3.0 model of the original works of children of the nation which was developed by developed by Li'l Online Games with engines from Altermyth Studio. Hmm ... great-great Indonesian children right? Many more examples of other children's works of high quality people who deserve to be proud and not inferior to products made in other nations. Time to let work continue to promote Indonesia!
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