Did you know, color and odor of water can tell us what was applicable to it.
Stem Pollution
• Refineries waste - mostly refineries waste such as residual toxic discharged into rivers or the sea.
• The attitude of the individual - the disposal of waste materials such as trash, oils and unclean.
• Activity Agriculture - dredging of land to be used as agricultural areas causing soil erosion onwards resulted in mud apply. This mud will make river become shallow and make the river water becomes turbid.
Pollution impression
• Healthy of human - bacteria. viruses, parasites and other chemicals.
• Animal - water life such as fish, snails, shrimp or crabs will die with oil spills, toxic waste disposal and waste.
Sources of Water Pollution
Many causes of water pollution but can generally be classified as a source of contaminants directly and indirectly. Sources include direct exit from the industrial effluent, landfill (where the Final Disposal of Waste), and so forth. Indirect source of contaminants that enter water bodies from the soil, groundwater, or atmosphere in the form of rain. Soil and groundwater contain contain residual from agricultural activities such as fertilizers and pesticides. Contaminants from the atmosphere also comes from human activities, including air pollution that produces acid rain.
Water contaminants can be classified as organic, inorganic, radioactive and acid / base balance. Currently, almost 10 million chemical substances have been known to man, and almost 100,000 chemicals have been used commercially. Most of the remaining chemicals are discharged into water bodies or ground water. Pesticides, detergents, PCBs, and PCPs (polychlorinated phenols), is one such example. Pesticides used in agriculture, forestry and households. PCBs, although it has been rarely used in new tools, are still found in old electronic equipment as an insulator, PCP can be found as wood preservatives, and detergents are widely used as a cleaning agent in the household.
Impact of Air Pollution
Broad impact of water pollution, for example to poison the drinking water sources, pet food poisoning, river and lake ecosystem imbalances, destruction of forests due to acid rain. etc.
In the body of water, rivers and lakes, nitrogen and phosphate (from agricultural activities) has led to the growth of aquatic plants that are out of control (excessive eutrophication). This explosive growth led to oxygen, which should be shared by all animals / plants of water, a water plant is reduced. When they die, their decomposition suck up more oxygen. As a result, the fish will die, and bacterial activity decreases.
Water pollution is one cause of chronic disease.
As a result of drinking contaminated water:
1. Contracting communicable diseases
2. Kidney disease, arthritis, headaches, high blood pressure
3. Skin diseases, cancer, nervous system disorders
4. Liver disease
5. Disease rocks, stones in the bile
Step Resolution
In daily life, we can reduce water pollution, by reducing the amount of waste we produce every day (minimize), recycle (recycle), recycling use (reuse).
We also need to pay attention to chemicals that we dispose of our house. Because now we have to be "chemical society", which uses hundreds of types of chemical substances in our daily life, such as washing, cooking, cleaning, nurturing plants, and so forth.
Being a responsible consumer is a wise move. For example, critical of the goods consumed, what would later become the source of a persistent pollutant, explosive, corrosive and toxic, or degradable (to degrade) nature? Are the goods we consume will be able to poison people, animals and plants, safe for living organisms and the environment?
Technology we can use to cope with water pollution. Installation of water treatment, waste water treatment plant, operated and maintained properly, can eliminate toxic substances from contaminated water. However, preventive measures more effective and prudent course.
In line with the increasing of population increase will also push the dirt (pollutants) that can cause pollution of water sources and as a vehicle for the spread of infectious diseases. Contaminants in water can be a pollutant domestic and non domestic polluters. Domestic pollutants originating from household waste (sewer), markets, villages, roads, and so forth. To overcome the above, there should be efforts to control the pollution from city sewers with substances that are safe for the environment (environmental friendly). It can be used as learning about bioremidiation relating to the role of beneficial microorganisms to humans.
The aim of the study to: (1) determine whether there was influence of various different types and concentrations of substances in the waste decomposition remidiasi domestic waste, (2) know the type and concentration of the most effective decomposition of waste in domestic waste water bioremidiation as a source for learning about bioremidiation method biotechnology in secondary school (high school). The study was observational laboratory. The population is pathogenic microbe in the household waste water ditch. sample used in this study with purposive sampling is the volume of waste water ditch 3000 ml. Then proceed with research at the Laboratory of Microbiology.
The results showed: (1) there was no effect of various types and concentrations of substances in the waste decomposition bioremidiation organic materials in domestic waste water as a source for learning about solving pollution problems with biotechnology in high school. (2) Of the five kinds of degrading waste substances, namely brand starbio Plus, Bio Fund, EMMA, EM-4, and Decomic same effect in decreasing fecal pollution indicator bacteria, which consists of bacterial Total Coliform and Fecal Coliform bacteria.
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